1. Log on AWS Console.
2. Go to Services-> EC2 -> Launch instance.
3. Select Windows server 2008 R2 AMI in free tier.
4. In step 2: Choose an Instance Type; select General Purpose
t2.micro and select Next: Configure Instance Details.
5. In step 3: Configure Instance Deatils, accept the default
settings and then click Next: Add storage.
6. In step 4: Add storage, Accept defaults and click
Next: Add tags.
7. In step 5: Add tags, click on click to add a Name tag.
8. In value fiels, type name for your instance say:Win-VM
9. Click Next: Configure Security Group.
10. In step 6: Configure Security group,
Select create a new security group and click Add Rule.
11. In type, select http and in source, select Anywhere.
Click Review and Launch.
12. In step 7: Review Instance Launch, select Launch.
13. Select your existing key pair and select Llaunch Instance.
14. On Launch Status page, select View Instances.
15. Once the instance is launched, connect to it using RDP.
16. Log on to this server using administrators credentials
17. Go to Start -> Administrative Tools -> Server Manger
Or give command: Start-> Run-> servermanager.msc.
In Server Manager go to -> Roles -> Add Roles.
18. Select web server(IIS) Role and then install it accepting the default Role Services.
19. To confirm the installation, go to your ec2 instance note the public IP of your instance
open a new browser window and run http://<public_ ip>, you will see the default webpage for IIS.
20. Now let us launch our own web page. Go to C drive, Inetpub, wwwroot.Right click iisstart file
and copy and paste it in the same location. Now rename that file as index.Now right click the index file
and open it with notepad, delete all the existing contents and write something say "HELLO WORLD!!!"
and save the file. Again go to your browser and type public ip of your windows web server in it and enter.
You will see new webpage.
21. Now let us create our own index.html file. For that delete the index file you renamed in step 20 above.
create new notepad and paste the following code in it:
<body bgcolor=black>
<font color=gold> <h1> Welcome to Amazon Cloud!!! </h1> </font>
21. Go to start -> Administrative tools -> IIS -> Select machine name
-> Double click on Default Document
set the priority for index.html by moving up
Restart Optional
22. Try to open the website using public IP Address