Setting Budget and Alert for AWS Account

Once you have set up your AWS account and secured it next step is to set a BUDGET  !! Yes in your Free AWS account we need to set up a budget to avoid accidental costs. It can be incurred due to the services you have used in your free tier account has exhausted its limit.  All services have their own limits. We can use Free Cloud Computing Services - AWS Free Tier (  to check on available options with free tier. 

Now we will set a budget for our account. Click on your billing dashboard and then the budgets from the left panel and create a budget. 

When an Alert is set it send an email whenever AWS bill reach the configured threshold. you can configure multiple threshold limit for Alert. Below screen guides you to sent a budget enter the time period you want also set Alert threshold. 

Below screen mention the Alert threshold and you will receive an email when the threshold is reached.  We can set multiple alert for the same Budget. It will help us to be Alerted multiple times in case we missed the information earlier.